Course Information
Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook
Courses offered within the last four academic years are available in the Catalogue.
Students follow the requirements in the Catalogue published in the academic year they matriculated at Bowdoin. Recent editions can be found via the Catalogue Archive. Visit the Bowdoin Digital Commons to view the full archive beginning with the earliest Catalogue published in 1807.
The Classfinder is Bowdoin's official source for information about the courses on offer each semester.
Faculty, students, and some staff may find the link in Polaris as well.
Tips for navigating the Classfinder: there are filters on the left-hand side of the screen that work in tandem. Not only can one search within a specific course subject or for classes that meet on specified days, there are drop-down options for first-year writing seminars, course distribution designations, and other degree requirements. Course information from fall 2013 forward is accessible in the Classfinder.
At quick glance, one can view the course subject, number, section, CRN, title, any cross-listings, any division and/or distribution designations, meeting times, instructor(s), and location (once assigned). To view the full details, click on the unique, 5-digit CRN (course registration number) to expand the section. The course description, prerequisites, enrollment capacity, registration requirements, and other important items are available in the expanded view only.
Questions about the course schedule? Email
Fall 2024 Course Schedule
- Schedule of Course Offerings, PDF (as of August 11, 2024)
- For faculty/staff only: excel version of the schedule with details (as of October 16, 2024)